Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tool #1

I was very apprehensive about this assignment. And kept putting it off. I am not very technological and always rely on my team members to help me or coach me. On Monday during a break at my training other teachers from my school showed me what they had done and I got excited! I have two personal blogs and I was thinking I can at least get the first tools completed.

Well, I went to blogger to pick my template and they had changed their templates and were not as friendly to my cute background that I wanted. So that took a lot of time trying to figure that out, more time than I wanted to spend but I got it done.

Next, was the avatar and that was frustrating because I signed up and waited and waited for them to send me an email to confirm my registration and it never arrived. I went ahead and created one and was able to save it. I wished they had more choices to choose from.

I look forward to moving through the other tools to learn more and play around with the technology out there. I think the students will have a blast creating avatars. I am not too sure about blogging. I think blogging with just invited people may be OK because I wouldn't want to put my students at risk. The world can be a scary place and any lurker can be reading our blog. Just my thoughts.

That's all for now!


  1. I had the same problem with the avatar link not arriving in a timely manner. I wonder if the system was overloaded?

  2. I agree with you about blogging with invited people only at the 2nd grade age! I think students will love to share ideas between classes via blogs. It's where the world is now, and we need to keep up! But, we can still teach them how to stay safe on the internet.

  3. Check out Kidblog.org. I think it is a great tool to use with young learners!
