Monday, August 9, 2010

After 11 Tools Reflections

I really enjoyed the I touch apps because its something I could do with my son. We had fun searching for free apps to load his I touch. I plan to use this with the students by reading off some of the apps and they can vote for ones they would like to have on the I touches in the classroom. About every nine weeks go back and check for new apps and make adjustments on the I touches.

I was hesitant at first becasue I know very little but now I have so many new tools to use with my students and I think they will be excited to learn them and share with friends and family.

I was very surprised at how much time it took out of my summer to complete this project. Maybe it was just me since I have very little knowledge about these kinds of technology tools. I felt very rushed here at the end to make sure it all got completed by the deadline.

Tool #11

Three things I would like for my students to know about being a good digital citizen is not taking the first thing they come to when searching, digital literacy to prepare them for the world beyond the classroom and etiquette in the digital world.

How will I teach my students the above would be by providing video for examples of the above and showing them by modeling procedures on the appropriate equipment.

Tool #10

My son has an Itouch and we have searched for many free apps. Here are the ones we have on his device, Basic Math, which works on math facts; Matches, for visual spacial; Liberty of Congress virtual tour; Dictionary, to look up words; Funny Flashcards, to recognize words, A Bee See sight word, for the lower readers to practice their sight words.

How I would use the I-touch would be to have it in a center for them to explore the desire apps that were differentiated for them. Even with the Internet connect they could look up information for a report or project they are working on. Also, my team will probably have lots of ideas that we will be sharing during our planning time.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Tool #9

I can see how Jing could be used to save and share lessons, projects and ideas on units that were successful or not with other teachers.

I have used Skype before to communicate with my sister while she was traveling and it was pretty cool. I can see using this in the classroom for pen pals to put a face with a name and also to communicate with our Shell volunteer when she travels the world.

Tool #8

I use videos all the time for Science and Social Studies. It helps to enhance the learning and activate prior knowledge for my ESL learners when they have trouble understanding me.

I used the two search links to find the two videos below.

1. Teacher Tube

Beautiful Birds-birds and their function

2. Green

Planet Earth-Jungles: Birds of Paradise Display Male birds of paradise perform a balletic boogie to attract a mate.

These two videos would enhance our bird unit in second grade.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Tool #7

This was so much fun even though it took a long time to make. I am sure that once I make these more often it will get easier. I can see the students making these for Open House to share their likes, projects and other interests.

Enjoy my video of our vacation this summer!

Tool #6

How will I use Wikis to aid the learning in my classroom?

I looked at Teacher First More Wiki Ideas for the Classroom and PBWorks and liked what I saw. I can see me using Wikis for continuing a story we read or shared with the class, on line writers workshop were students can suggest revisions to classmates, class resource for newsletters and power points, etc., current affairs and student portfolios and eliminate the need for a file folder.

For my team, Wikis could help in sharing and planning a unit of study for our classes.

WooHoo! I am half way through this experience and have learned so much!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Tool #5

I joined Delicious and looked for recycle/earth care/environmental awareness sites/tags.

I joined these two sites:
Eco Kids Home-

Planet Protectors Club for

I think this site would be great to use in the classroom for projects and units of study that the students are working on.

Tool #4

Google documents is a way to coordinate and share with others at your campus what is happening amongst your team, class or school. People can add comments or share their thoughts and suggestions. It was great fun creating a document to share with my sister about a family trip to Disney. We really enjoy the planning of our trip to the Magical Place on Earth!

Google reader is a handy tool to organize all your blogs to keep track and have easy access to them.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Tool #3

I had so much fun playing around and creating things. The one that I really wanted to use, Wordle, wouldn't let me create or save. It could be that I wasn't at my house with my Internet, not sure. I can see that the kids would love creating using these applications for project, book reports, etc. Take a look at what I created. The first one is using the Image Chef and the second using the Kid Friendly Image Generators. We leave for Hawaii tomorrow morning! We are so excited!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Tool #2

I think building an on line educational community and participating in a PLN is fabulous. You will be making connections with others, sharing and receiving ideas and information with others with similar interests.

A couple of points that stood out to me about commenting were to write meaningful comments and not to be afraid. I am a lurker of blogs. I love viewing and reading what others have shared but comment rarely. I can see how making a comment can promote conversations amongst others and get wheels turning. When I do comment it's usually short and sweet, so I will be working on this as I move through this process.

Here are the blogs I am following as of right now. I am sure this list will grow.

2nd Grade Blogger
Tales of a Fifth Grade Teacher
Mrs. Green's Blog Spot
11 Tools Training LJ
Teachin in Flip Flops

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tool #1

I was very apprehensive about this assignment. And kept putting it off. I am not very technological and always rely on my team members to help me or coach me. On Monday during a break at my training other teachers from my school showed me what they had done and I got excited! I have two personal blogs and I was thinking I can at least get the first tools completed.

Well, I went to blogger to pick my template and they had changed their templates and were not as friendly to my cute background that I wanted. So that took a lot of time trying to figure that out, more time than I wanted to spend but I got it done.

Next, was the avatar and that was frustrating because I signed up and waited and waited for them to send me an email to confirm my registration and it never arrived. I went ahead and created one and was able to save it. I wished they had more choices to choose from.

I look forward to moving through the other tools to learn more and play around with the technology out there. I think the students will have a blast creating avatars. I am not too sure about blogging. I think blogging with just invited people may be OK because I wouldn't want to put my students at risk. The world can be a scary place and any lurker can be reading our blog. Just my thoughts.

That's all for now!